Sunday 31 May 2009


Woke up today in Newquay, Cornwall to one of the most beautiful views I have ever seen. We got in real late last night and I didn't notice any of it until this morning. We only got to spend like 3 hours in town, but it was probably one of the best days off on tour Ive ever spent. It actually felt like we were in another country for once. I really hope to come back here one day with Cool Julie

We are staying at Neil and Leenas house again tonight in Leeds. I think that makes it number three on this tour. Best people in the world. Its is pretty wild that I know people in a different country I can count on for a pizza party and a good time. Check out their band, The Lock and Keys, if you get the chance.

Anywho, the real reason why im writing this blog tonight, is because as I was stuffing myself with my 4th slice of Pizza and watching Waynes World, I remembered that I happen to like sequels more than originals and I want to share my logic with my loyal followers.

I dont think everyone shares this concept with me, and I wouldnt expect anyone too. I know right off that bat that everyone in pbc disagrees.

Example number one...

Waynes World II > Waynes World

Reasons why : Chris Farley, Christopher Walken, and Del Preston

The only reason why I think this could be argues is there is way too much Aerosmith in the sequel, which has the power to ruin a film entirely by itself.

Example number two...

Ghostbusters II > Ghostbusters

No real reason, except the scene with the toaster.

That is really all I have for examples. I have no good support for any of my thoughts, honestly. I think I just like the cheese. The cheesier the better.


1 comment:

  1. I honestly agree on both examples. I've seen Waynes World maybe once, but own Waynes World 2 and know pretty much everyword.
