Friday 29 May 2009

First Time Blogger

We got a first timer over here....

I'm not really sure how to treat this thing. Out of nothing but pure boredom on the road, I have become a member of almost every single free network on the internet available with the exception of adult friend finder. I actually deleted my facebook recently because I just thought it was too many. I have never regretted anything more.

Like I said, I don't know whether to sit here and tell my deepest darkest secrets or just try and be funnier than Trackers blog. Ill probably just blog about gig life. live to gig, gig to live.

Right now I am in Nottingham England, sleeping on Tom Smalley's hardwood floor trying not to sneeze. Also, am trying to not kick Derek of Defeaters head. He for some reason felt the need to sleep right under me when there is a whole other half of the floor empty. He is a real son of a bitch.

Touring the UK Pros and Cons list

Through Being Cool
+ Stan Somerville and Tom Uden
+ Nandos
+ Dead Swans
+ Beers are everywhere
+ All of our friends in the UK ie: Saker, Neil and Leena,
+ BBC live recording session
+ Fancy Sauce
+ Shows are awesome
+ All I eat are burgers from kabob shops

In Reverie
- All I eat are Burgers from kabob shops
- Missing Julie Goulie, and not being able to properly get a hold of her
- The vans
- Missing NFG by one day
- Not understanding half of what people say even though they are speaking english
- Too much fancy sauce gives me a stomach ache
- 3.8 percent beer
- No Hulu

Im sure there are more for both lists but im pooped.

Listen to Defeater to take your mind off how terrible this blog is. goooodnight.


  1. This blog is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

    And I haven't even read your post yet.
